Let me lay it down for ya. There's a couple stuff you CAN NOT DO whether I'm around or not.
1. No kiddie porn.
Now I know this isn't usually a problem but I have to say it because of the host. Now if your ten year old girl has some sort of erotic involvement, it BETTER be TEXT ONLY. And put this symbol in the title so everyone knows to steer clear of it : <*>
2. No excessively graphic Avatars.
For example, that thing where Rika stabs herself to death. That better not be animated in your avatar. You get 3 strikes on this.
3. Any X rated content must be marked in the title with the following mark: <*>
I know it's all in fun, but some people just don't care for it, so if you suspect it, leave a mark.
4. No God Modding.
If you are in second grade you probably do this all the time. So no Double shield cracker that blocks everything.
5. Any dispute in fairness is to be reported to your superiors, either a mod or myself. A resolution will be found.
6. No Meta-gaming.
Meta-gaming is using out of character knowledge for great benefit.
7. No abandoning in session quests.
There once was a horrible girl named Raulaun. She dropped an epic quest mid combat to meta-game a bounty head. Not cool.
If you break a rule, you get a warning. Too many warnings, you get banned. Plain and simple.
And thats all the rules. I'll make more if we really need them. And if we don't I'll just erase it. Now have fun!